Finally a new post...and a big announcement!

>> Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hello everyone, sorry for the long gap in updates! I promise I have a valid excuse though! We've not so recently gotten some very good news, which we've enlisted the help of our 19 month old to help tell everyone! See for yourself:


That's right, Lucas is going to be a big brother! This new addition is due February 4 of next year. So, as I'm sure a few of you can understand, I've been exhausted these past few weeks! Spare energy has gone to shooting and editing, and not so much in the updating department! But the end of the first trimester has replenished some of my lacking energy so I am back with a MONSTER update of all I've missed since my last entry! So without further ado, meet the latest additions to the Melinda Gombert family!

Maisee- A very fun two year old with so much sass! She's going to keep her parents on their toes for the next 16 or 17 years! Happy second birthday, Maisee!





Kaleb - I loved working with this little guy! Actually, he wasn't so little. By newborn standards this little man was a giant! Lots of fun though, and his parents were fantastic to work with too! Can't wait to see him in 6 months for his next shoot!




Abbie - I've been so lucky with my newborn shoots lately. This one took a lot longer than the average because Abbie had such a hungry appetite during her two week growth spurt, but the extra time was so worth it! I get to see her again in 6 months too, which I am so excited about! I love when parents participate in our baby program so I can see these little peanuts turn into little people!




The Card Family - It's such a treat to work with older families once in a while. These guys also happen to be an extended part of my family too (cousins of mine), so that was a double treat. We had a great day at Prince's Island Park and came out with a ton of really fun shots.




Stay tuned for a lot more to come! I've done three cake smashes this week that are still being sorted and edited and a (very) photographed little man is coming into the studio to celebrate turning two this week! Can't wait to share all of the results with you guys!

Also, we are SO close to reaching our goal of 300 fans on Facebook. Once that happens, I'm going to draw for a free shoot with me! So invite your friends to the group and help us get there a little faster!

Congratulations, Catherine and Mortiz!

>> Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What a fantastic weekend we had! We were lucky enough to be able to spend Saturday with Catherine and Moritz as they celebrated their marriage at the beautiful Emerald Lake Lodge in Field, BC. The day was perfect, the weather was amazing and the setting was the stuff they write about in fairy tales.

Everyone was so nice, so happy and the love between the beautiful Bride and Groom was infectious. We came home a little burnt, very tired but so excited about what we were able to capture from their special day.

I have two other shoots from last weekend to blog about that will come soon, but because Catherine and Moritz are on their way to Africa for 4 months in only two days time and won't see their wedding photos until they get back, we wanted to get a few up for them right away.

Congratulations you two, enjoy your trip, be safe and we'll see you when you get back!







