A Smashing Good Time!

>> Sunday, May 30, 2010

In amongst all the wonderful May snow Calgary has been having lately, I've been able to share in the fun of celebrating the first birthday of two of the cutest kids ever! Both of them came into the studio to do a cake smash, my favorite kind of shoot! Nothing like putting sugary treats infront of a baby and watching them demolish it with single-minded determination. Kids being kids at their finest!

Maya- This shoot was bittersweet for me. I have been photographing Maya since before she was born! I got to do some really fun maternity shots with her parents, Janice and Mike, only a few weeks before she came into the world. Then after she was born, I did her newborn shoot and a 6 month shoot at Christmas time. It's been so much fun to watch her grow up this year, I'll be sad to see our year long baby program end with her!




Jack - This little guy knew what he was doing! I had Kelly (http://cakesmash.blogspot.com/) make us a rainbow cake for this shoot to see how it would look on camera. Needless to say, I think we'll be doing this kind of cake as a standard for all smashes. It looks amazing! Thank you so much to you, Kelly!




Amber, Jason and Caleb!

>> Thursday, May 13, 2010

Adorable little Caleb brought his parents into the studio tonight. Had so much fun with him, and his parents too! I couldn't resist adding a few quick teasers to the blog!




Drum Roll Please...

>> Sunday, May 2, 2010

After 8 years of doing photography professionally, but only as a 'weekend warrior' (someone who only works when they aren't working at their 9-5 job), I took a scary leap when I went on maternity leave to have Lucas and quit my job. Over the next 12 months, I wasn't able to work a whole lot, being bound to controlled poverty by the government. However, to celebrate the end of my maternity leave and the beginning of my new exciting journey, it was time for a MASSIVE business overhaul. Five months later, it's finally complete!

We started with a new logo, which you can see at the top of the blog. Then I went and designed new cards. These took a unique spin and I made them collectible. 20 different photos on them, all with the same back. My future sets will feature new photographs as I get new favorites!


Then it was on to the website. Had a lot of fun with this one. Simple, to the point and the nicest one yet (in my humble opinion). Check it out at www.melindagombert.com

After that came the monumentally giant task of my studio. When we moved into our new home (I was 6 weeks pregnant with Lucas at the time) we thought eventually we've develop the basement into my studio and we set up everything in our bonus room for the mean time. We eventually decided that the bonus room was actually a fantastic space for me. However, the set up we had was terrible. It was shabby, pieced together and just not efficient. Very unprofessional and overall pretty 'ghetto'. It was time to put some serious time into making this space somewhere that I am proud to bring clients into and somewhere they feel comfortable. Thus began 'reno project 2010'. 

Here's the before (it usually wasn't this messy, I was half way through gutting out the room when it occurred to me that I should do 'before' photos) Take special note of the terrible cube shelf, the chunky awkward desks, the stands holding my back drop up and, (my personal favorite), the see through curtains that are actually falling down because the brackets came off the wall:



And now, ladies and gentlemen, drum roll please....

Presenting, the brand NEW studio!





The new display with our advertising pieces and our new line of products. Still waiting on the albums to arrive and we're always on the hunt for new fantastic things to offer our clients, so this will be constantly changing.


And my all time favorite of the new products, our accordion albums! Little 3x3 magnetic albums that are PERFECT for grandparents gifts, or brag books for mother's purses!


So, there it is! I can't wait to have all of you come by and see it! We're going to do a grand opening promotion, so keep tabs on the blog for more information!

And last (but not least) for the re-launch was this blog and a facebook fan page. Please join me there (facebook fan page) and follow me here on the blog.

Thanks for visiting everyone, keep smiling!


Hello everyone!

Welcome back to my blog! After a long hiatus from updating my old, boring blog, I decided it needed to be incorporated into my company's fresh start and gave it a major facelift! All new layout, format and content. Starting from square one. And I PROMISE this one will be updated regularly!

Keep checking back for news from me, teasers from all the babies, kids, families and weddings that are keeping me busy and any other tips/tidbits/news that I think might interest all of you!

Stay tuned for the big unveiling of the brand new studio and the new brand! We have a whole new look, line of products and a fantastic new home to work in.

Pictures and news updates to come! Keep smiling!
